Storywide Narrative IP
Linelust Vector Art
Twin Suns Corp Game
Akili's Project EVO
Star Wars Republic Commando
Top Mix Music App
Kovaak's AIM Trainer
Transformers Legends
Wind-Up Knight 2
Flutter iOS
Mission Delta
Puzzle Journey
Footbet Sports App
Wizard Dodgeball
All Sports iPhone app
Banana Breakers
Monsterama Planet
Crowdstar's It Girl
Zummon Health iPad app
Playfirst's Mall Stars
Handheld Game UI & Color Work
Future San Francisco Game
LucasArts UI Design
Game logos
Foxconn City Mobile Game
Graphic Resume
Visual + UI/UX + Graphic Design paul@paulrandpierce.com
Storywide Narrative IP
Linelust Vector Art
Twin Suns Corp Game
Akili's Project EVO
Star Wars Republic Commando
Top Mix Music App
Kovaak's AIM Trainer
Transformers Legends
Wind-Up Knight 2
Flutter iOS
Mission Delta
Puzzle Journey
Footbet Sports App
Wizard Dodgeball
All Sports iPhone app
Banana Breakers
Monsterama Planet
Crowdstar's It Girl
Zummon Health iPad app
Playfirst's Mall Stars
Handheld Game UI & Color Work
Future San Francisco Game
LucasArts UI Design
Game logos
Foxconn City Mobile Game
Graphic Resume
Handheld Game UI & Color Work
UI design and art for various handheld games.
UI design and comp work for Nintendo DS racing game.
UI design and UI storyboards for Sony PSP racing game.
Photoshop mockups for a Sony PSP puzzle game based on using various forms of water (liquid, steam and ice) to move through the environment.
Photoshop mockups for a Sony PSP puzzle game.
Color work for a Sony PSP action-puzzle game. Linework by Dela Longfish.
Color work for a Sony PSP game where the player protects the main character from a variety of forces conspiring against him. Linework by Steve Lee.
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